Chapter 14, pg 122
"' Get out of here. . . '
He was going to say more, some silly human word . . . "
1. Why did the author use the adjectives "silly" and "human" together to describe the words used by Brian?
2. How did the skunk teach Brian about the survival of the fittest?
Independent Work
Title Page:
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
How I See Brian in Hatchet

Sloshing Oil

Maths Anyone??
Reflection on Hatchet Debate
Within 1 hour, 39 pupils spoke out and shared some of their thoughts on a given topic and in so doing allowed others to have insight of their own beliefs and values - think of the 'Perfect Home' discussion.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
Please post your thoughts. Thank you.
Brain was using 'human language' but he was speaking to a skunk then. There is no way the skunk is able to hear and understand him and do as he says.It is a silly act to speack to a skunk as he was using 'human language' It was silly for him to say more, instead he he should think of a way to curb the problem.Even if he use vulgurs and very sharp words towards the skunk it is still a waste of breath.
The skunk taught him to protect his food and there must be a good shelter.A good shelter is very important as that is where he can be protected from dangers and the place where he is going to be in when it is dark where there is no light. only he and his fire.It has to be as safe as possible as in the dark it is hard to do things espeicially in the forest where there are no street lamps and it is totally dark.Just walking a few steps to the pond can be that difficult when Brian is being attacked by the skunk if something worse would to happen in the dark, would'nt it be worse?It is therefore, very important to have a good shelter and that was what Brian learnt from the skunk.A good shelter is also a place to store food that was needed for emergency.During emergancy, food might be needed.
1. Brian used the word "silly" maybe because he was going to use vulgar words. But he used the word "human" because he does not know how to speak other languages.So silly human words might mean some vulgar words that he was going to scold the skunk who tried to steal the eggs(his "food") and who made Brian very angry.
2.The skunk thought Brian to shelter his food in a way that no one or thign could take it from him. And a shelter that will keep his "food" unseen or reflected by the light. The skunk also thought him to shelter his food by not letting the smell of it go through it. And the skunk also taught him that anyone or thing must eat, and will hunt for others' food. So Brian also learnt to hunt more food and how to shelter his food.
Q1. Why did the author use the adjectives "silly" and "human" together to describe the words used by Brian?
A1.Maybe Brian was going to speak vulgarities to the skunk but fortunately, the skunk does not understand what Brian is saying and since no body was around to discipline him.
Q2. How did the skunk teach Brian about the survival of the fittest?
A2.The skunk taught Brian that he must have a good shelter to live as it is very dangerous in the place Brian was trap as they are many dangerous animals etc. The skunk also taught Brian to watch over his food as if he does not, anything can come and take it away from him and the good shelter can be used to store his food just in case he could not find anymore or for an emergency.
The one above was by me
Human language had no use in the forest. You cannot communicate using Human language to animals in the forest so in the forest, the human language is completely useless. In the forest, food is all. The skunk had taken the food from Brian and it looked cute. But Brian was scared to lose the food so he thrown some sand at the skunk. "Get out of here..." The skunk could not understand what he was saying. Lets say someone talks to you in Japanese. You will stand down there stunned. Same case here, except that maybe the skunk did not even know that Brian was talking. He should do something else like get back the food or even find more food.Talking need energy, so why waste your energy on something that cannot even respond or do what you say? Once you talk, you need to replenish your energy. So he was wasting his energy. As the skunk took the food, he was angry and threw sand. Again he was wasting his energy as in the end, the skunk sprayed Brian with direct shot.
The skunk taught Brian that food was important. Wasting your energy on something that does not respond is completely useless. I rather you get more food then talk talk talk. Time is precious. There's a chinese saying meaning time is money but money cannot buy time.
In the forest money is nothing, so money indirectly points to food. The skunk also taught Brian something very important. What attracted the skunk? It was the smell. SO brian should have blocked the smell in order to save his food and avoid being hungry for the time being. The skunk also taught Brain to be indepedent. In the forest, the skunk was so brave. Despite being near to the fire and smoking coals and Brian, it still continued digging. On page 124, the author said Brian paid for a lesson. His shelter was not strong enough. Skunk taught him that he should not have threw the sand at him, and Brian became blind for 2hours and the pain in his eyes lasted for 2 weeks. FOOD HAD TO BE PROTECTED and it can if Brian had earlier build a good shelter. When he went to the lake, the skunk had took all his food. Not just a shelter to keep the wind and rain out, but a shelter to protect, a shelter to make him safe.
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