I will bring a matchbox with matchsticks in it so I can build a fire to keep myself warm at night and cook my food if needed.
I will bring a first aid kit so when I am injured, I can use the items inside the kit to cover my wound and heal them slowly.
I will bring a torchlight with spare batteries so I can find my way at night if I want to go out as it is the only resource of light.
I will bring some big bottles of water along with me or a pot with me because water is the most important source to survive as for the pot, I can cook the water on the fire if I do not want to bring the bottles after I refilled them if there is a water source nearby the island.
I will bring some food that can last for a long time so I will not die of hunger and will not run out of supplies so fast as food is the second most important source of survival.
Si Jia
Independent Work
Title Page:
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
If I were to be left alone and to spend one month alone on an deserted island, I would prepare...
1) A big bottle of water. Water is the essential needs of living things. Even if without food, water can still allow us to survive. In the wild, it is better to have clean water to drink than having to drink lake or river water. Water is a precious resource, therefore, it has to treasured and it will always be needed.
2) A torchlight and some spare batteries. In the wild, the only resorce of light at night would be from the moon. But it is very dim and I would not beable to see things clearly. With the torchlight, I would beable to see clearly and not be afraid of any creatures in the wild. The spare batteries will come in handy when the torch runs out of energy and i can change the batteries.
3) A box of matchsticks. It would be very cold in the wild at night
Without the heat from the Sun to keep me warm and cosy, at night I would be freezing. Therefore, I would need the matchsticks to help make a camp fire to keep me warm.
4) A windbreaker or jacket. During the night, the wind could be strong and even with the camp fire to keep me warm, it would still be cold as the fire might be put out. It is also to prevent myself from getting a chill as it might rain at times and the shelter I have might not beable to shelter me.
5) A first-aid kit. In order to prevent the injuries that I have, the first-aid kit would help to stop the infection and help make the injuries recover faster. The first-aid kit can also help with some of the things needed for survival skills.
Wu XinYi:)
1) A big bottle of water. Water is the essential needs of living things. Even if without food, water can still allow us to survive. In the wild, it is better to have clean water to drink than having to drink lake or river water. Water is a precious resource, therefore, it has to treasured and it will always be needed.
2) A torchlight and some spare batteries. In the wild, the only resorce of light at night would be from the moon. But it is very dim and I would not beable to see things clearly. With the torchlight, I would beable to see clearly and not be afraid of any creatures in the wild. The spare batteries will come in handy when the torch runs out of energy and i can change the batteries.
3) A box of matchsticks. It would be very cold in the wild at night
Without the heat from the Sun to keep me warm and cosy, at night I would be freezing. Therefore, I would need the matchsticks to help make a camp fire to keep me warm.
4) A windbreaker or jacket. During the night, the wind could be strong and even with the camp fire to keep me warm, it would still be cold as the fire might be put out. It is also to prevent myself from getting a chill as it might rain at times and the shelter I have might not beable to shelter me.
5) A first-aid kit. In order to prevent the injuries that I have, the first-aid kit would help to stop the infection and help make the injuries recover faster. The first-aid kit can also help with some of the things needed for survival skills.
Wu XinYi:)
I choose (Q1)
The five things i will choose to bring:
1.Food so i will not starve to death and part of our daily needs.
2. Water as it is the most important thing for us among our daily needs as it is needed for us to survive and i do not want to die of dehydration.
3. A matchbox so that i will be able to light it up when it is dark and for fire.
4. Paper so it will replace the branch for the fire place as it is lighter.
5. I will lastly bring a first aid kit because if i am injured, i can apply medicine from the first aid kit.
I will not be bringing a map or a compass as it is not needed because i am to spend one month and not to be desserted there.
The five things i will choose to bring:
1.Food so i will not starve to death and part of our daily needs.
2. Water as it is the most important thing for us among our daily needs as it is needed for us to survive and i do not want to die of dehydration.
3. A matchbox so that i will be able to light it up when it is dark and for fire.
4. Paper so it will replace the branch for the fire place as it is lighter.
5. I will lastly bring a first aid kit because if i am injured, i can apply medicine from the first aid kit.
I will not be bringing a map or a compass as it is not needed because i am to spend one month and not to be desserted there.
If I was to spend one month alone on a deserted island,
1) i will bring water as it is the most most important thing to keep me alive.
2) I will bring a compass as i need to knoe where is which direction so that i will not be lost.
3) i will bring matchbox so that i can make a fire and keep myself warm.
4) i will bring a first aid kit as i need it when i get injured..
5) i will bring a torch light as it will be quite dark at night and i can use it to look for my way out if i am lost.
Yiu Chen Zung
1) i will bring water as it is the most most important thing to keep me alive.
2) I will bring a compass as i need to knoe where is which direction so that i will not be lost.
3) i will bring matchbox so that i can make a fire and keep myself warm.
4) i will bring a first aid kit as i need it when i get injured..
5) i will bring a torch light as it will be quite dark at night and i can use it to look for my way out if i am lost.
Yiu Chen Zung
If i were to spend one month alone on a deserted island, i will pack my handphone in case i get lost on the deserted island so i can call my family or police. Next i will bring 2 big bottles of water so i can drink on the island instead of dying of thirst , i will also bring alot of food so i will not starve to death and the next item i will bring is 2 boxes of matchsticks so i can make a fire to keep myself warm and next i will bring a jacket in case i get cold.
Rachel Ngo S.H.
Rachel Ngo S.H.
If i were to spend a month on a deserted island alone, i would bring these 5 items:
1) My handphone. I can communicate with my family with my handphone. I also need to bring extra phone batteries to last for a month as there would not be any socket to charge my handphone even if i were to bring my charger.
2)A torchlight.When it is night time or when the sky gets dark, the torchlight would come in handy. I would also need to bring tons of batteries for the torchlight as the torchlight would definitely run out of battery.
3)Some food and drinks enough to last 4 a month. when i am hungry or thirsty, i would be able to eat and drink to keep my tummy full so that i would not starve to death or get dehydrated and die^_^.
4)I may also bring a laptop to chat with my family if i don't want to use my handphone and chat. I must bring loooots of extra batteries and a portable broadband as there will not be any internet connection there. I may also play games on my laptop if i am not tired and can't get to sleep.
5)A first-aid kit and daily neccessities. If i had forgotten to bring my torchlight with me during the time when i am exploring the island, i may get injured. That is when the first-aid kit will come in handy.
Remus See
1) My handphone. I can communicate with my family with my handphone. I also need to bring extra phone batteries to last for a month as there would not be any socket to charge my handphone even if i were to bring my charger.
2)A torchlight.When it is night time or when the sky gets dark, the torchlight would come in handy. I would also need to bring tons of batteries for the torchlight as the torchlight would definitely run out of battery.
3)Some food and drinks enough to last 4 a month. when i am hungry or thirsty, i would be able to eat and drink to keep my tummy full so that i would not starve to death or get dehydrated and die^_^.
4)I may also bring a laptop to chat with my family if i don't want to use my handphone and chat. I must bring loooots of extra batteries and a portable broadband as there will not be any internet connection there. I may also play games on my laptop if i am not tired and can't get to sleep.
5)A first-aid kit and daily neccessities. If i had forgotten to bring my torchlight with me during the time when i am exploring the island, i may get injured. That is when the first-aid kit will come in handy.
Remus See
If I were to spent one month on a deserted island alone, I'll bring compass to locate the direction as I can get lost. The second item that I'm going to bring is a magnifying glass as I can use it for making fire.Thirdly, I'll bring a mirror as if there is any aeroplane going I'll use my mirror to get a attention from the pilot so that they will send some people to save me.Fourthly, camel. I'll get exhausted if I keep on walking and I do not need to waste energy too much walking so, I need a camel. Lastly, I'll bring the water. Water is most important of all the items as I do not need to die because of the thirst. Anyway I know that I'll never never go to the dessert, but if I go there, I'm sure that I'll survive.
By: Jin Yun Na (4)
By: Jin Yun Na (4)
i would bring lots of water to prevent my from dying of thirst, food, to prevent me from dying of hunger, handphone and a few hanphone batteries and finally, two box of matchsticks.
i would bring my handphone because if i am in danger or lost, i can contact the police or my family members to come and rescue me. i would also bring some handphone batteries bacause it might run out of batteres. i chose matchsticks instead of torchlight because matchsticks can cook food and give heat at night so i would not be cold. i can use my handphone as torchlight too.zoen.
i would bring my handphone because if i am in danger or lost, i can contact the police or my family members to come and rescue me. i would also bring some handphone batteries bacause it might run out of batteres. i chose matchsticks instead of torchlight because matchsticks can cook food and give heat at night so i would not be cold. i can use my handphone as torchlight too.zoen.
If I were to spent one month on a deserted island alone, I would have to bring a waterbottle. If there are no lakes, streams, or pools of water, and if the island has no seasonal supply of water, the only way to obtain water is by taking it from trees or any kind of NON-POISON plants...obviously. Coconuts are a good example, there is juice inside them, and it is very nutritious, and refreshing, Yum. By the way, deserted islands are usually uninhabited, but there are a good lot of plants and NEVER let a coconut drop on your head, obviously... The second item I need to bring are signal lights and flares or anything to make people spot you when they come to rescue you. The third item is a knife, it will help you in cutting or whatever, basically in survival there are quite a couple of things you are are not strong enough to do. The fourth item is a first-aid kit, you WILL get injured. The last item is an inflatable rubber dingy. Escape from a deserted island is your number one priority. You also need oars. Deserted islands are in tropical oceans which have lots of busy shipping lanes, hopefully a ship will spot you so you need the flares. For food you need to do what you must to survive. Tidbits or any kind of food will not last for a week without proper storage. If you want to save the lives of the food animals ( what have they done to deserve to get eaten, poor animals ) , fruit and edible plants are the best substitution. PS. If you bring a mobile phone, there will be no transmission. Besides, you have no need for electronics, they will not last. PSS. Courtesy of Man vs Wild for the information. Timothy Timuari.
If I were to spend 1 month in the desert, I would bring my handphone. Well, if I am in danger, at least I can call the police or my family to save me. Also it provides very little light but a handphone only can last for like 10 hours so I would try to bring as many newly recharged handphone batteries in order to last enough for 1month and also if I am bored, I can play games, take a picture with my camel and etc but that will waste a lot of battery.
Secondly, I would bring a torchlight (one of the most important thing if you are going for a camp trip). When it is dark, it will be very frightening because it is in the desert. And when night comes, it is going to be very dark with no light so we need a lot of batteries to be sufficent enough for 1 month.
I would bring my precious water and food. Because when there is not food, you will die over there. And it's not worth to die because of a camping trip so it's best to bring tidbits and bottles of water as they are light enough to carry.
I would bring my suntan lotion and daily necessties because the desert is really really hot and I do not want to be black in colour when I go back home, looking like a black -american as I'm a Singaporean. So that's a must.
Lastly, I would bring my laptop and not a sleeping bag because i like sleeping in sandy places. I remember in a soccer game, I was like lying down in the mud and I do not feel disgusted. So I think my body is able to adapt to dirt or being dirty. I can play my laptop and chat with my family and friends even though I am in the desert. Wait ! I must also bring 20 laptop batteries and a broadband because int he desert, there is no internet connection and it is impossible to chat with my friends and family.
Secondly, I would bring a torchlight (one of the most important thing if you are going for a camp trip). When it is dark, it will be very frightening because it is in the desert. And when night comes, it is going to be very dark with no light so we need a lot of batteries to be sufficent enough for 1 month.
I would bring my precious water and food. Because when there is not food, you will die over there. And it's not worth to die because of a camping trip so it's best to bring tidbits and bottles of water as they are light enough to carry.
I would bring my suntan lotion and daily necessties because the desert is really really hot and I do not want to be black in colour when I go back home, looking like a black -american as I'm a Singaporean. So that's a must.
Lastly, I would bring my laptop and not a sleeping bag because i like sleeping in sandy places. I remember in a soccer game, I was like lying down in the mud and I do not feel disgusted. So I think my body is able to adapt to dirt or being dirty. I can play my laptop and chat with my family and friends even though I am in the desert. Wait ! I must also bring 20 laptop batteries and a broadband because int he desert, there is no internet connection and it is impossible to chat with my friends and family.
Marcus Chioh
Q1) If i were to spend one month on a dessert, i would definately pack my hand phone just in case if something happens i could contact my parent or my relatives.The second item that i am going to pack is lots and lots of water(although it may be impossible to do that)because if i where trap inside a dessert for one month i would need alot of water to keep me alive and maybe i would also bring some food which will at least last me for thirdty-one days(but will not count that as the third item). The third item that i will bring is a sleeping bag,i am a girl, i prefer sleeping on a sleeping bag then on the sandy and drity floor. The fourth item that i would bring will be a torch with lots of batteries,because think i will afirad of the dark when no one is with me. The fifth item that i am going to bring is my family photo because to be away with my family for eleven days is bad enough, so i will definately miss my parents and my family, therefore i will bring my family photo to remind me of my family.And that is all the things that i would bring if i were to spend one month in the dessert, but of course i would not want to spent one month in the dessert.
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Reflection on Hatchet Debate
Within 1 hour, 39 pupils spoke out and shared some of their thoughts on a given topic and in so doing allowed others to have insight of their own beliefs and values - think of the 'Perfect Home' discussion.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
Please post your thoughts. Thank you.