Independent Work

Title Page:

What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?

2nd Page:

Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)

Sunday, 4 January 2009

My 5 yrs in this school is exciting especially when i am playing soccer either during recess or P.E with my frenz. This year will be the most pressurizing year 4 me as in october, we hav psle! And i dun really like tat. I hope that this year would be like last year. Last year my teacher always crack jokes in class, and his jokes were very funny.I feel that this year will be a fun and memorable year 4 me.
Remus See:)
My five years in Bukit Timah Primary School was fill with alot of laughter and joy.especially on primary five my form teacher was very funny and make us laugh almost the whole time.My friend in this school treated me very well.the time when I come to school at primary one I was feeling nervous.But after a peirod of time in the school,my nervousness was cure.

I expect kindness and caring from the class.
Juan Pang
For the last five years in BTPS,I had a lot of fun.playing with my friends,and doing other fun stuff.This is the last year in primary school and the last year I can spend with my friends.This year,2009,I am in 6grace.It is a very nice class and the teacher is very nice too.Ihope that I can get along well with my friends and teacher.

from umar 6g 2009.
My 5 years in Bukit Timah Primary School were great! I had a lot of fun these 5 years, meeting new classmates and making new friends each year. I met lots of friends, but sometimes, you don't know if those friends are really your friends and don't do bad things or ignore you. Since Kindergarten 2, I've known Timothy for at least or almost 7 years. He's a true friend, but sometimes he is annoying and thinks he always right. Another one is Tim Yap from 6 Charity, he's also a good friend and I've known him since Primary 1. There are some friends which I only met last year, they are Chen Zung, Si Jia and Jing Jie. (Jing Jie's from 6 Charity but go 6 Faith for chinese) They sometimes call names even though you're their friend. I still play with them but all of them can catch me. I really don't know if there're my real friends. They won't even tell me that Lee You (from 6 Faith) has caught chicken pox and cannot come to school intil Mr Khoo ask Chen Zung todayand I heard it! I was really angry with him! All I need is both of my real friends.

What I expect for 6 Grace is for the people to be kind and understanding. Also for everybody not to call names at each other.
Abraham Lau
throughout my 5 years of learning in btps, i think tat the 5 years were full of fun and laughter! i wish to hav veri fun lessons everyday!!!

Chen Zung :D
From:limzhixiang Gender:o+,male
Topic:How i spent 5 years school
Five has passed and this year is the year which we need to hit the books in earnest, once we finished this year, we can relax, but not for long, as it will be a difficult year when we reach sec1 as my sister is sec1 last year and she told me that the topics were hard to understand,and the test was very difficult.I think that if we work hard and spare some time to revise some work and go through some of the topics, we would be still pass the exam with flying colours.By the way, let us return to the topic, iremembered that when i was primary 1, my results was very bad :( i was very sad at that time so my mother found me a tution teacher the teacher helps in all the subjects. One year passed, and my results starts to increase, but soon the teacher had left, my results starts to drop. But i think the seniors will regonise me as i act as Mrs.lim poh geok and is the winner of the Epson skit compitition on 2007. If u don't remember me i don't blame u :]
During PSLE, i juz hope to score 24+++ so that i can go to a good school.
hi everyone . i like to be in 6grace as it rockz . and also , i wish 6 grace to be cheerful and really really really really............................. GRACEFUL.
I am so happy to be in 6 Grace ! I hope that this class would be the best primary 6 class and i am sure it will be! I have met plenty of new friends in 6 Grace and they are wonderful, just hope that i could get along with this class easily

yours sincerely
Sally Yap
hi everyone , its has been a very exciting and fruitful 5 years i have spent in BTPS . I expect 6 grace this year to be cheerful and everyone must have a great time at school . how gracious is it ya right?

from:inspector benjamin
I wish to have the same lesson everyday!
I hope to cooperate with my classmates and have a pleasant year.
Although I have been very happy for the past 5 years, I think this is the best of all!
And I love science!
Ben Wu
When I heard that I am going to 6Grace, I hope it will be a good class and it is really true. Although I always stick to my old friends, I hope that some people in this class would like to be my friend. I don't really expect anything though......expect having more friends and getting to know more of my classmates. =)

Your friend,
Si Jia =)

My 5 years in btps is very fun and interesting as
i make new friends and do new stuff.I don't really
expect anything of 6grace but hope i could make more
friends and learn more things ^.^.
I had always wanted 2009 6grace to be interesting and fun ,our class must follow the orders to start the fun so everyone must contribute.I think we should decorate our notice board more so that our class to be colourful.The rest are fine .So Gracious! to 6Grace!!!!!
-Your Sincerely Friend-
i'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly.
i'll do what it takes till i touch the sky.

Thank you for being so focused.

How I See Brian in Hatchet

How I See Brian in Hatchet

Sloshing Oil

Sloshing Oil

Maths Anyone??

Reflection on Hatchet Debate

Within 1 hour, 39 pupils spoke out and shared some of their thoughts on a given topic and in so doing allowed others to have insight of their own beliefs and values - think of the 'Perfect Home' discussion.

I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.

Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:

How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?

I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.

Please post your thoughts. Thank you.

Snapshots of Term 1