Chapter 7, page 66
"He sat back on the bank and fought crying. Then let it come and cried for perhaps three, four minutes. Long tears, self-pity tears, wasted tears."
1. Why did the author use three types of adjectives to describe the tears?
Explain clearly the meaning of each choice of adjective.
2. What is the effect of grouping 3 short phrases about the tears together?
Independent Work
Title Page:
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
How I See Brian in Hatchet

Sloshing Oil

Maths Anyone??
Reflection on Hatchet Debate
Within 1 hour, 39 pupils spoke out and shared some of their thoughts on a given topic and in so doing allowed others to have insight of their own beliefs and values - think of the 'Perfect Home' discussion.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
Please post your thoughts. Thank you.
I think the author use three adjective to describe his feelings strongly. So that the readers will know that he was really felt sick, hungry,lonely and miserable.I thought that the long tears was he cried very long,self-pity tears was he was lonely and miserable, and wasted tears was he used energy to cry and he knew that he was hungry. We need food to have energy and he used his energy on his tears.
Question 2 I do not understand,,
By:Jin Yun Na
Q1 The author wanted the reader to know he was depressed,lonely and miserable.I thought that the long tears was means he was sad that nobody had found him ,self-pity tears was means that he was the only one in the island,wasted tears was means that he used the energy to cry but he had no food to eat.Q2.It was to let the reader to know that the author was so sad and hopeless that the only thing he thought at that time was to cry
By:Li Wei Wei
Q1-The author used them to tell the reader why Brian cried and to discribe how he tried not to cry so that we get a clear idea of how he felt.Long tears means that he cried for a long time never wanting to stop,Brian can't forget the pain and sorrow and cried continuously.Self-pity tears means that Brian was suffering for such a long time but nobody came,nobody can help him,comfort him,alone in a place where he don't no.Wasted tears means that no-matter how long Brian cried it is still no use because crying would not let anybody to come save him or give him food instead it will only waste his energy.
Q2-The effect is that the reader can understand and can feel how Brian thinks and feel.With this three Discribing words it gives us a totally clear idea of what the author is trying to tell us how Brian felt.~Audrey
YunNa:Q2 is asking you about the effect of the author writing long tears,self-pity tears and wasted tears.When they are writen together what will happen or rather what meaning or feelings did they give you.~Audrey
ok,,I know already,,
Q2-the effect is to let the readers know how does Brian really felt. How lonely he was, how sick he was, how he felt and he was miserable plus hopeless. This 3 short phrases about tears are strongly showed all this thought.
Thank you Audrey>_<
By:Yun Na^^
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