Today was one of the most mermorable day in Bukit Timah Primary School. 6GRACE WAS THE CHAMPION OF THE PRIMARY 6 LEVEL AND THE WHOLE SCHOOL.
For the Novelty Event today, a total of 8 pupis from our class participated and we came in last. But it is alright as at 10.30 a.m., we went up to the hall and Mdm Junida was announcing the winners of the Novelty Event. But the most exciting part was who was the best in the level and school. Suddenly, Mrs Chien told us that we will be getting the 'Best in Primary 6' and 'Best in the school" trophy. I was pretty confident that we will get the 'Best in Primary 6' trophy but I was puzzled about the 'Best in the school' trophy as other classes like 4Faith and 5Hope got a couple of gold medals too. So I was telling Mrs Chien that maybe the trophy do not belong to us. I forgot about the winners of Primary 3 but true enough, 4Faith won the best in the level and 5Hope also won the trophy. Then it was the Primary 6's turn. As Mdm Junida asked "Who do you think will be the champion of Primary 6?" Then our class went crazy shouting "6Grace!" So Mdm Junida announced that it was really 6Grace. At that time, we went "6Grace!6Grace!" and Audrey went up to collect the prize. Then later was the trophy for the best in the school and Mdm Junida said it was 6 Grace. At that time, I was shocked as I thought 5 Hope would win the trophy but I still continued cheering for 6Grace as Yun Na went up the stage to collect the prize. Later the class that won the prize would stay back, so we stayed back for a while before taking a class picture with the 2 trophies. Carlo was holding the 'Best in the school' trophy and raising it up high.
After that, we went back to class. Mrs Chien said she wanted to give us 2 words so she drew a heart and wrote the word SUPPORT. She said that we won the trophies because other people give in their skills but we gave in our heart. Then she said that if other classes cheered that loud, it was okay because at Primary 4, you do not need to be cool and when it comes to Primary 5, we will hardly open our mouth and cheer and at Primary 6 , everyone will not be cheering as they want to look cool. Then Mrs Chien said our class was ugly as we were cheering. I mean ugly in a good sense like we were cheering like mad and that encourages our promising athletes to get the medals.
Independent Work
Title Page:
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
What do you think of the services provided by your local library?
Compare the services to those of another country or to Singapore many years ago - talk to your grandparents or parents!
How effective is the NLB (National Library Board) in promoting reading amongst Singaporeans?
2nd Page:
Write an e-mail to your friend to invite him to join you in taking part in the Nationwide campaign 'Read! Singapore 2009. (150 words)
Friday, 27 March 2009
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How I See Brian in Hatchet

Sloshing Oil

Maths Anyone??
Reflection on Hatchet Debate
Within 1 hour, 39 pupils spoke out and shared some of their thoughts on a given topic and in so doing allowed others to have insight of their own beliefs and values - think of the 'Perfect Home' discussion.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
I would like to applaud the 39 individuals for bringing such a professional quality to the debate - all contributed to its success and the 'energy' that resulted from this concerted effort will be converted into greater motivation for 6 Grace.
Please take time to reflect and share your thoughts on the following:
How did this debate affect my perceptions of myself?
In what ways did the debate fit my learning style?
Has it influenced the way I perceive English and Literature?
What did the debate show us about the 'tricks' authors use to captivate the heart and mind of the reader?
I had such pleasure hosting the debate and I felt the true magic of 6 Grace.
Please post your thoughts. Thank you.
1 comment:
Hey Marcus, you explained very well about the heart and support! and thank goodness you explained about the ugly. i was so ugly too - haha - cheering my lungs out. but that's how i like it! when it's time to be 'ugly' just be 'ugly' because it's worth IT!! Thank you Sports Day's Journalist
Mrs chien
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